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Astrology & Tarot Readings

Astrology and Tarot readings infused with psychological insights, a spark of inspiration, and a deeper self-understanding, all grounded in existential philosophy.

Zoom Astrology & Tarot Readings
If the available session times do not work for you, please contact me with your availability and I'd be happy to schedule within your availability!

Delivery Astro-Tarot Readings

Delivery Tarot readings are recorded and delivered to you via private YouTube link


"I can't get the reading you did for me last night out of my head, I'm so grateful. Even being able to see what you were looking at in the chart and you pointing to those things as you explained it was super helpful. The progressed chart blew my mind. You made it so easy to understand. You were also so incredibly encouraging and authentic and psychologically supportive. It's such a beautiful thing to see you using all of you skillsets in this one field. Just. Go you, Taylor. Go you. I'm a fan.”

My Approach

What To Expect From A Reading

My approach to Astrology and Tarot is informed by the philosophy of Absurdism, inspired by Albert Camus, and grounded in the findings of my psychospiritual research I conducted during my Master's thesis. In a world characterized by uncertainty and unpredictability, I utilize Astrology and Tarot as tools for self-exploration and understanding, rather than as instruments for controlling cosmic forces or guaranteeing specific outcomes.

Astrology and Tarot, in my practice, are acts of rebellion against the inherent meaninglessness of existence. I view these ancient systems as pathways for uncovering patterns and insights that help us make sense of our surroundings. My readings are designed to empower you through increased self-awareness and self-compassion, encouraging you to create your own meaning and direction in life.

When you engage with my Astrology and Tarot readings, you can expect a thoughtful, insightful experience rooted in the principles of Absurdism and critical self-reflection. My readings are not about predicting the future or manipulating cosmic energies; instead, they are about exploring the patterns and insights within your Astrological chart and Tarot cards to increase your self-understanding.

You can expect a reading that emphasizes personal growth, self-awareness, and knowledge. I will express to you what I see in your chart and in the cards with a focus on helping you increase your level of self-understanding, Astrology, and Tarot, all while embracing the inherent unpredictability of existence.


My Methodology

Specific Methods & Mechanisms I Use In Readings

With a Master's of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, I apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to my readings. This academic foundation allows me to approach Astrology and Tarot with both intellectual rigor and intuitive understanding with a solid background in psychology, human behavior, and existentialism. Drawing from existential philosophy, I view each reading as an opportunity to explore the deeper questions of life—identity, freedom, and the meaning we create for ourselves.

Perspective on Control:

My readings are based on the acceptance that life is unpredictable, and instead of controlling it, the focus is on understanding and finding meaning in one’s experiences.

Outcome vs. Process:

My readings are process-driven rather than outcome-driven, with an emphasis on personal growth, self-awareness, and embracing life’s inherent uncertainties.


My readings offer the tools for personal insight and freedom but does not guarantee specific outcomes, recognizing the absurdity and unpredictability of life.

Empowerment Through Understanding:

My goal is to provide you with insights that foster self-awareness and personal growth. I believe that life is not about controlling external forces but about recognizing and embracing the freedom that comes from understanding yourself within the context of a vast, unpredictable universe.

The Journey, Not The Destination:

I approach each reading as a journey of discovery. While we explore the energies at play, the focus remains on your personal journey—how you navigate life's uncertainties, create your own meaning, and make choices that resonate with your true self. This process-oriented perspective allows you to find empowerment in the present moment, without the need for guarantees or promised outcomes.

Critical Thinking and Personal Agency:

With a background in clinical mental health counseling, I apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to interpret the symbols and messages in Astrology and Tarot. My approach encourages you to take an active role in your life, making informed decisions based on the knowledge we uncover together. I don’t offer quick fixes or definitive answers; instead, I provide the tools and insights to help you navigate your path with clarity and confidence.

Embracing The Absurd:

Life can be chaotic and absurd, and this is where the beauty lies. My readings reflect the belief that meaning is something we create for ourselves, even in the face of uncertainty. By embracing the absurdity of life, you can find a deeper sense of purpose and liberation, allowing you to move forward with a renewed sense of self and direction.


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